Sharing God’s Love

LTSM Expresses The Love of God with Four Ministries:

We have a team of ministers that will serve, sharing the love of Jesus to the elderly, the homeless, the hurting, the needy, the sick, and anyone who needs to find salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. We visit convalescent homes, homeless shelters, prisons and churches.

Contact us by using the contact page or calling (949) 327-3109, if you are interested in doing the Lord’s work.

Homeless Helps Ministry

The Homeless Ministry takes church where there is no church. We go to shelters to provide the word, prayer and worship to the ones who God loves. We also provide Bibles , clothing and other small essential everyday necessities (e.g. toothbrush, tooth paste, deodorant, etc.) showing the Love of God to everyone. It is important to remember God takes care of the poor and needy Psalm 9:18 teaches us this.

Knock and He Shall Answer Ministry

This is a ministry where we let God lead our way into neighborhoods to pray for individuals and families. We go door-to-door  with God message of prayer and hope. The message is “Do you have any prayer needs that we can pray for you about?” The bible teaches us in Matthew 7:7 to ask for all things and wait on God.

Convalescent Ministry

This is a ministry that goes out to the convalescent homes to minister to the elderly.  As part of sharing we provide bibles, worship songs, a message and prayer to groups of any size including individuals. We also provide services on a room-to-room basis. We are sensitive to individual needs and create services supporting these needs. The bible teaches us to care and treat the elderly as fathers , mothers, brothers and sisters 1 Timothy 5:1-2.

Breaking Bread Ministry

The breaking bread ministry is a time set aside to recharge the batteries of all God’s servants. This is a once a month ministry where we get together to eat and fellowship. To discuss how God has been working in our lives and just enjoy the presence of God and each other. In John 6:26-27 the Lord reminds us that when we eat the bread we will be filled for eternity.